Procedure: tempting Simple Oven Baked Spinach Lasagna

Easy, Convenient, Simple and Healthy.

Simple Oven Baked Spinach Lasagna.

Share some people, cooking is indeed work which is quite easy. Besides they are indeed like cooking and have will cooking that is very good, they are also good in processing each dish so that it becomes dish delicious. But there are those who cannot cook, so they must ask and see recipes that are cushy to follow.

The end of the day fatigue often promote you over the edge and into a drive-thru window. But real, there are some really quick and easy recipes here to help you get a delectable and ideal meal on the table in no time.

Simple Oven Baked Spinach Lasagna You can have Simple Oven Baked Spinach Lasagna using 12 ingredients or deficient. Here is how you achieve it.

Substances of Simple Oven Baked Spinach Lasagna

  1. Prepare 750 of grams. Ricotta Cheese.
  2. You need 5 tablespoons of Olive Oil.
  3. Provide 2 of Garlic cloves diced.
  4. Provide 3 cups of shredded Mozzarella.
  5. Provide 400 grams of Spinach.
  6. You need 1 of medium size Egg.
  7. Provide 2 tablespoons of Lemon juice.
  8. You need 1 teaspoon of Salt.
  9. Provide 1 teaspoon of Pepper.
  10. Prepare 2 of packaged of Lasagna noodles.
  11. Provide of Nutmeg (optional).
  12. Prepare 2 tablespoons of Oregano.

These recipes make in approximately 70 minutes from begin to finish, and 9 strides. Get ready to comply these recipes to get you thru a engaged back-to-school time!. Here guides how you cook that.

Simple Oven Baked Spinach Lasagna instructions

  1. Wash Spinach, drain and set aside..
  2. In a large bowl add the ricotta cheese, salt, pepper, lemon juice, and egg. Combine all ingredients and set aside..
  3. In a large sauce pan, add the olive oil, garlic and oregano, mix together on low heat for 15 minutes and until garlic has soften..
  4. Add into the pan the Spinach that was set aside and mix, sauté spinach until wilted..
  5. Add the Spinach into the ricotta mix..
  6. I prefer to use the spinach leaf as is, but you can always chop to make it into a smaller size..
  7. In a deep baking pan add the sauce, store bought or home made. (If you want a lovely Italian sauce go back to the “The Old Italian Lasagna Recipe” which I had posted a few months ago). Layer with noodles. 🙂.
  8. Then add the ricotta mix..
  9. Top with sauce and mozzarella cheese and repeat the step until all is done. I usually use aluminum foil to cover the baking dish, so that the cheese won’t burn quickly. Bake for 1 hour and medium heat, and until noodles have been thoroughly baked. Once taken out of the oven let the lasagna cool for about 20 minutes before eating. Kali Orexi!!! 🙂.