Recipes: delicious 居家炒饭 Stay-Home Fried Rice

Easy, Convenient, Simple and Healthy.

居家炒饭 Stay-Home Fried Rice. Please turn on the CC and choose English for English subtitles, thanks for watching! 咖喱炒饭 或者可以称其为鲜虾咖喱炒饭 Curry Fried Rice or Curry Shrimp Fried Rice 这盘炒饭绝对能堂. 今天给大家介绍一道"蛋炒饭",在家也能做出路边摊的感觉。蛋黄蛋清分开炒的原因是因为单独油炒蛋黄的时候会形成特殊香气,很多饭店和路边摊的后厨都了解这个秘密,所以同学们赶快也去学习起来,如果好吃的话欢迎大家回到这个视频下面点赞和留言! Mama Cheung's homemade Fujian Fried Rice is a must try at home! There is no better time to pick-up cooking at home, starting with this simple fried rice.

Share all people, cooking is indeed things which is quite soft. Besides they are indeed hobbies cooking and have talents cooking that is quite, they are also good in mixing each dish so that it becomes dish delectable. But there are those who cannot cook, so they must search and see recipes that are easy to follow.

The end of the day fatigue often urge you over the edge and into a drive-thru window. But actually, there are some really quick and easy recipes here to help you get a yummy and ideal meal on the table in no time.

居家炒饭 Stay-Home Fried Rice Add in seasoning and bring it to boil. Add in longevity noodles and choy sum, braise till fairly dry. 芋头饭 Yam Rice. so fragrant, so much fried shallot love it.i want to try this ,must get taro.loving this dish. Rice Cooker kampong fried rice (家乡特色炒饭). You can cook 居家炒饭 Stay-Home Fried Rice using 7 ingredients or deficient. Here is how you cook it.

Materials of 居家炒饭 Stay-Home Fried Rice

  1. Prepare of 印度长米 Basmati rice (1 cup).
  2. Provide of 长豆切丁 Long bean (2, cut in dices).
  3. Prepare of 鲜虾 Fresh shrimp (50g).
  4. You need of 鸡蛋 Eggs (3).
  5. You need of 洋葱丁 Red onion (Half, cut in dices).
  6. Provide of 蒜米 Minced garlic (1 tablespoon).
  7. Prepare of 酱清 Light soy sauce (1 tablespoon).

Jasmine rice fried with chicken, salted fish, whisked eggs and spring onion topped with lettuces and fried onion. Kimchi fried rice is one of easiest fired to make at home, the ingredients are super simple too! All you need is bacon(or pork or no meat at all!), well fermented You can omit the meat if you would love to make vegan kimchi fried rice, and make sure you are using vegan kimchi as well because normally. Hope you will enjoy this delicious shrimp fried rice with my favorite Lee Kum Kee oyster sauce.

These recipes make in around 50 minutes from initiate to finish, and 4 steps. Get ready to keep up these recipes to get you through a lively back-to-school spell!. Here is how you cook that.

居家炒饭 Stay-Home Fried Rice steps by step

  1. 煮长米备用,放置2小时让米饭变凉(或用隔夜饭) Cook rice and leave it to cold down for 2hrs (or use overnight rice).
  2. 热油炒蛋,备用 Heat the oil and fried egg, stand-by.
  3. 热油依续炒香洋葱,蒜米,鲜虾,长豆,冷饭 Heat the oil, and add in sequence: Onion, minced garlic, shrimp, long bean, cold rice.
  4. 加入炒蛋,酱清。快速大火翻炒 Add fried eggs, light soy sauce. Stir-fry with high heat.

Yang Chow Fried Rice or 揚州炒飯 (Yeung Chow fried rice) is a popular Chinese-style wok fried rice dish in many Chinese restaurants throughout the world. Place a wok or wide frying pan over high heat until hot. The regular fried rice is where the rice and eggs are two separated entities whereas the golden fried rice, rice and egg (yolk) as one single entity. My interpretation is that house fried rice is usually regular fried rice with more "goodies" in it; maybe shrimp, maybe bbqed pork, maybe bean sprouts, maybe chicken, etc etc. The fried rice acquires the caramelized/sweetish flavor of the char-siu.