Procedure: appetizing Prawn Pesto Spaghetti

Easy, Convenient, Simple and Healthy.

Prawn Pesto Spaghetti.

According to all people, cooking is indeed work which is quite soft. Besides they are indeed like cooking and have ability cooking that is quite, they are also creative in mixing each dish so that it becomes dish delectable. But there are those who cannot cook, so they must learn and see recipes that are simple to follow.

The end of the day exhaustion often pushes encourages you over the edge and into a drive-thru window. But truthfully, there are some really quick and easy recipes here to help you get a delicious and ideal meal on the table in no time.

Prawn Pesto Spaghetti You can have Prawn Pesto Spaghetti using 7 ingredients or fewer. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Prawn Pesto Spaghetti

  1. Provide 350 gr of Spaghetti / Fusilli / Penne.
  2. Prepare 1/2 cup of pine nuts or almond.
  3. Provide 3 cloves of garlic.
  4. Provide 1 cup of basil leaves.
  5. You need 150 gr of prawn.
  6. Prepare 1/4 cup of extra virgin olive oil.
  7. Prepare of Grated Parmesan cheese.

These recipes make in around 30 minutes from start to finish, and 4 actions. Get ready to follow these recipes to get you thru a busy back-to-school spell!. Here guides how you cook it.

Prawn Pesto Spaghetti guide

  1. Cook pasta in saucepan of boiling water with some salt and cooking oil. Cook it until al dente. Drain it and return it into the pan..
  2. Meanwhile, peeled the prawn and sauté in frypan with little bit of olive oil, put aside..
  3. Blend the pine nuts, garlic, basil with food processor / chopper or blender. Then add extra virgin olive oil. When the mixture already smooth, sauté it with low heat..
  4. Add pasta into the sauce and mixed well. Moved the pasta into the plate, add grated Parmesan cheese and prawn on the top. It's ready to serve. Yuuummmsss😋😋.