Sweet purple potato bread loaf (using tongzhong recipe). Using tongzhong to will have the bread come out with a soft and moist texture inside. The colour of the purple sweet potato gives the beard an amazing Add the purple sweet potato powder next to the tongzhong and in the middle of the flour, add the egg. Warm up the milk to room temperature and.

Sweet purple potato bread loaf (using tongzhong recipe) It is basically a Japanese method where u incorporate a roux How To Make Purple Sweet Potato Bread 梦幻紫薯面包 Tangzhong, an Asian technique for making soft, fluffy yeast bread, involves cooking a But when you're using the tangzhong method, you want your recipe's hydration to be Because when using tangzhong, some of the liquid in the dough is "trapped" by the. The Best Purple Sweet Potato Recipes on Yummly The end of the day frazzle often pushes encourages you over the edge and into a drive-thru window. But actually, there are some really quick and easy recipes here to help you get a delectable and ideal meal on the table in no time.

You can cook Sweet purple potato bread loaf (using tongzhong recipe) using 13 ingredients or wanting. Here is how you achieve that.

Substances of Sweet purple potato bread loaf (using tongzhong recipe)

  1. You need of Tongzhong.
  2. Prepare 13 g (=1tbsp) of all-purpose flour.
  3. Provide 65 g of milk (or water).
  4. You need of Bread dough.
  5. Provide 180 g of all-purpose flour.
  6. You need 30 g of pure cane sugar.
  7. You need 60 g of milk.
  8. You need 2 g of salt.
  9. You need 3 g of yeast.
  10. You need 15 g of butter.
  11. Provide 30 g of egg.
  12. Provide 3 Tbsp of natural purple sweet potato powder.
  13. You need of Tongzhong.

Stokes Purple Sweet Potatoes Nutrition Facts. Where can I buy purple sweet potatoes now? This bread is almost similar to the popular Hokkaido milk bread sans tangzhong starter. Add the ingredients in the order listed.

These recipes make in much 80 minutes from start up to finish, and 12 steps. Get ready to attend these recipes to get you by means of a concerned back-to-school spell!. Here guides how you mix 12 stridesit.

Sweet purple potato bread loaf (using tongzhong recipe) clue

  1. First, prepare tongzhong: Mix the flour with the milk in a saucepan, stir until there are no lumps. Turn on the fire to low and heat up the mixture. Keep stirring until the mixture thickens. Remove the saucepan from fire when it starts to become doughy (Be careful when you see the milk start to thicken, as it will turn doughy very quickly) Place in a bowl and cover with cling wrap. Set it aside to cool down for use later..
  2. Add sieved flour into mixing bowl. Add yeast and sugar on one side of the bowl, put salt and the tongzhong on the opposite side..
  3. Add the purple sweet potato powder next to the tongzhong and in the middle of the flour, add the egg. Warm up the milk to room temperature and then pour the milk directly onto the yeast..
  4. Use the spatula to mix the ingredients together to form the dough.
  5. Put some flour on the table or kneading mat. Start kneading the dough. It will be sticky at the beginning and you can add a little flour to the table and on top of the dough while kneading. When the dough starts to form a smooth skin, add the butter into the dough and keep kneading. It would probably take around 5 minutes for the dough to absorb the butter and form a smooth skin. (Don't add any flour into the dough after adding the butter).
  6. Once the dough has formed a smooth skin and is no longer sticky, put in back in the mixing bowl and cover it with a cling wrap and let it rest for 1 hour until it doubles its size..
  7. Once it's doubled in size, take it out and place it on the table. Gently press the dough flat to remove the air inside..
  8. Fold the 2 sides of dough into the middle line. Then fold another 2 sides in the way. Keep the folding until the dough shapes like a bun. Then cover the dough with cling wrap again and let it rest for 15 minutes..
  9. Spread some flour on the table and then out the dough upside down on the table with the smooth skin under. Use a rolling pin to flatten the dough. After the dough elongated to about 10"X 6" inches long, start roll the dough from 1 side to another.
  10. Cut the dough into pieces but don't separate them. Try to keep the dough into shape. Grease the baking pan with some melted butter. Put the dough into the pan and let it rest for another 20 minutes.
  11. Pre-heat the oven in 180°C (350°F). Put the dough inside and bake for 18-20 minutes depends on your oven's size. I use those built-in oven so I bake this dough for 19 minutes..
  12. Take the bread out and wait for it to cool down. The bread is perfect, soft inside with a beautiful light purple color.

Set bread machine for "white bread" with desired crust. This moist sweet potato bread is low in fat and super easy to prepare and bake. Purple sweet potato always wins my heart by its elegant color and simplifies for cooking. If you love the bright purple color the same as me, try to use it in breads and buns. The recipe today is a Chinese steamed bun with mashed purple sweet potatoes.

Cooking is busyness are normal run by everyone, but not everyone has expertise in making the maximum Sweet purple potato bread loaf (using tongzhong recipe), what are they?

How to make Sweet purple potato bread loaf (using tongzhong recipe) to get results that are perfect

  1. Determination Tongzhong, all-purpose flour, milk (or water), Bread dough, all-purpose flour, pure cane sugar, milk, salt, yeast, butter, egg, natural purple sweet potato powder, Tongzhong, the right food ingredients also affect the results of cooking, starting from determination fresh ingredients will be very good because the reserves of the nutrition is still very good.
  2. Equipment The cookware used must also match what is cooked. Also, care must be taken that the cleanliness of the cookware does not affect the taste and nutritional content.
  3. How to make Sweet purple potato bread loaf (using tongzhong recipe), which includes which ingredients must be processed first and which ones are processed later and when to add spices. Read the steps to make it First, prepare tongzhong: Mix the flour with the milk in a saucepan, stir until there are no lumps. Turn on the fire to low and heat up the mixture. Keep stirring until the mixture thickens. Remove the saucepan from fire when it starts to become doughy (Be careful when you see the milk start to thicken, as it will turn doughy very quickly) Place in a bowl and cover with cling wrap. Set it aside to cool down for use later.. , Add sieved flour into mixing bowl. Add yeast and sugar on one side of the bowl, put salt and the tongzhong on the opposite side.. , Add the purple sweet potato powder next to the tongzhong and in the middle of the flour, add the egg. Warm up the milk to room temperature and then pour the milk directly onto the yeast.. , Use the spatula to mix the ingredients together to form the dough. , Put some flour on the table or kneading mat. Start kneading the dough. It will be sticky at the beginning and you can add a little flour to the table and on top of the dough while kneading. When the dough starts to form a smooth skin, add the butter into the dough and keep kneading. It would probably take around 5 minutes for the dough to absorb the butter and form a smooth skin. (Don't add any flour into the dough after adding the butter). , Once the dough has formed a smooth skin and is no longer sticky, put in back in the mixing bowl and cover it with a cling wrap and let it rest for 1 hour until it doubles its size.. , Once it's doubled in size, take it out and place it on the table. Gently press the dough flat to remove the air inside.. , Fold the 2 sides of dough into the middle line. Then fold another 2 sides in the way. Keep the folding until the dough shapes like a bun. Then cover the dough with cling wrap again and let it rest for 15 minutes.. , Spread some flour on the table and then out the dough upside down on the table with the smooth skin under. Use a rolling pin to flatten the dough. After the dough elongated to about 10"X 6" inches long, start roll the dough from 1 side to another. , Cut the dough into pieces but don't separate them. Try to keep the dough into shape. Grease the baking pan with some melted butter. Put the dough into the pan and let it rest for another 20 minutes. , Pre-heat the oven in 180°C (350°F). Put the dough inside and bake for 18-20 minutes depends on your oven's size. I use those built-in oven so I bake this dough for 19 minutes.. , Take the bread out and wait for it to cool down. The bread is perfect, soft inside with a beautiful light purple color. , This is done in order to produce processed which has nutritional quality and cooked food maturity without reducing the delicacy of the cuisine.

According to all people, cooking is indeed work which is quite simple. Besides they are indeed like cooking and have talents cooking that is quite, they are also good in processing each dish so that it becomes food delectable. But there are those who cannot cook, so they must ask and see recipes that are easy to follow.

Set bread machine for "white bread" with desired crust. This moist sweet potato bread is low in fat and super easy to prepare and bake. Purple sweet potato always wins my heart by its elegant color and simplifies for cooking. If you love the bright purple color the same as me, try to use it in breads and buns. The recipe today is a Chinese steamed bun with mashed purple sweet potatoes.

Already know the things you need to consider when cooking Sweet purple potato bread loaf (using tongzhong recipe)? Try to use and choose the right food ingredients and follow the steps in cooking properly. Good luck...!!! See also the banana nut bread simple cooking recipes