Easy Tuna Casserole.

Easy Tuna Casserole The end of the day fatigue often promote you over the edge and into a drive-thru window. But actually, there are some really quick and easy recipes here to help you get a delicious and ideal meal on the table in no time.

You can have Easy Tuna Casserole using 15 ingredients or less. Here is how you achieve it.

The main ingredient Easy Tuna Casserole

  1. Prepare 1/2 cup of sour cream.
  2. Provide 3/4 cup of mayo.
  3. Provide 1 tbsp of minced garlic.
  4. Prepare 14 1/2 oz of can diced tomatoes.
  5. Prepare 14 1/2 oz of can grean beans.
  6. Prepare 15 1/4 oz of can whole kernel corn.
  7. Provide 2 oz of hidden valley ranch powder (this is 2 packages).
  8. You need 3 can of tuna fish (these where 4 ounce cans).
  9. Provide 8 oz of egg noodles.
  10. Provide 2 cup of shredded cheese.
  11. You need 1 of salt/pepper to taste.
  12. Prepare 1 tbsp of butter.
  13. Provide 1/2 of of a red onion diced.
  14. Provide 2 oz of can diced green chilis.
  15. Provide 2 cup of Italian seasoned bread crumbs.

These recipes cook in roughly 70 minutes from begin to finish, and 8 paces. Get ready to keep up these recipes to get you through a concerned back-to-school spell!. Here guides how you make 8 movesit.

Easy Tuna Casserole instructions

  1. pre heat oven to 375.
  2. In a skillet melt the butter and sautee onions until translucent..
  3. While you are doing this, in a large pot heat up the water to boil your egg noodles..
  4. In a large bowl mix everything except bread crumbs and noodles..
  5. When you cook the noodles, make sure they are slightly under cooked. From 3-5 minutes. Once they're done throw them in the bowl also..
  6. It is going to look extremely creamy once mixed all together...it will be okay..
  7. Spoon everything thing into a large casserole dish and sprinkle bread crumbs on top. Place in pre-heated oven for about 30 minutes..
  8. When I made this, I forgot to add the cheese initially, so I added it on top pf the bread crumbs..

Cooking is action are normal done by everyone, but not everyone has expertise in making the maximum Easy Tuna Casserole, what are they?

How to do Easy Tuna Casserole to get results that are perfect

  1. Selection sour cream, mayo, minced garlic, can diced tomatoes, can grean beans, can whole kernel corn, hidden valley ranch powder (this is 2 packages), tuna fish (these where 4 ounce cans), egg noodles, shredded cheese, salt/pepper to taste, butter, of a red onion diced, can diced green chilis, Italian seasoned bread crumbs, the right food ingredients also affect the results of cooking, starting from selection fresh ingredients will be very good because the reserves of the nutrition is still very good.
  2. Tools The cookware used must also match what is cooked. Also, care must be taken that the cleanliness of the cookware does not affect the taste and nutritional content.
  3. How to cook Easy Tuna Casserole, which includes which ingredients must be processed first and which ones are processed later and when to add spices. Read the steps to make it pre heat oven to 375. , In a skillet melt the butter and sautee onions until translucent.. , While you are doing this, in a large pot heat up the water to boil your egg noodles.. , In a large bowl mix everything except bread crumbs and noodles.. , When you cook the noodles, make sure they are slightly under cooked. From 3-5 minutes. Once they're done throw them in the bowl also.. , It is going to look extremely creamy once mixed all together...it will be okay.. , Spoon everything thing into a large casserole dish and sprinkle bread crumbs on top. Place in pre-heated oven for about 30 minutes.. , When I made this, I forgot to add the cheese initially, so I added it on top pf the bread crumbs.. , This is done in order to produce processed which has nutritional quality and cooked food maturity without reducing the delicacy of the cuisine.

Create some people, cooking is indeed work which is quite easy. Besides they are indeed hobbies cooking and have talents cooking that is quite, they are also good in mixing each dish so that it becomes food luscious. But there are those who cannot cook, so they must ask and see recipes that are simple to follow.

Already know the things you need to consider when cooking Easy Tuna Casserole? Try to use and choose the right food ingredients and follow the steps in cooking properly. Good luck...!!! See also the chicken and rice casserole simple cooking recipes